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Keeping C.A.L.M. To Address Burnout: Coping and Living Mindfully as Women of Color in Engineering

Published on
May 14, 2024

The Women of Color in Engineering Collaborative's May webinar is a conversation between Dr. Grace Poon-Ghaffari and Dr. Wei Yuan.

Throughout the webinar, Grace guides the discussion through key topics, including the concept of cultural wealth, communal success versus individualized success, and navigating hostile workplace environments. Participants delve into strategies for managing burnout, balancing work and personal life, and embracing one's full identity within the engineering field.Wei shares her personal experience of navigating her career as a Woman of Color and a mother, highlighting the importance of sharing stories to validate shared experiences and foster empowerment within the engineering community.

Both Grace and Wei answer audience questions, touching on topics such as mentorship, boundary-setting, and deciphering feedback in the context of systemic oppressions.

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